O N L I N E   C A T A L O G U E S  


When searching the COBIB.SR union database, individual libraries' local databases and other databases accessible through COBISS/OPAC, you can choose among three modes:

BEGINNERS' MODE Important: Additional information on search principles (search prefixes and suffixes, search examples, and searching tips) is given in the descriptions of databases (after selecting a database click the information icon).

The Beginners' mode is used by novice users familiarized neither with a record structure nor with more complex searching across databases.




Detailed help: SEARCH TECHNIQUES (Beginners' mode and Intermediate mode)

This mode allows, depending on the selected database, searching in five basic search boxes (in the COBIB.SR database, the search boxes are as follows: author, title, year of publication, keywords and publisher). Use the Keywords search box if you know something about the content (e.g. subject headings) or, if you are not sure where in the record a particular word appears.

The default mode in all search boxes is searching by words, but in individual boxes also searching by full phrases is possible. Phrase search is activated when quotation marks are put around the phrase.

You can combine search terms by entering them into individual search boxes. In the Beginners' mode the Boolean logic form AND applies between individual search boxes (or indexes).

Author: kis
(AND) Title: basta pepeo
(AND) Language: srpski (Serbian)
(AND) Type of material: monografske publikacije (monographs)
(will retrieve only records for monographs in the Serbian language with Kis as the author, with the terms basta and pepeo in the title; e.g. the title Basta, pepeo.)

This mode is used by more advanced and demanding users.





Detailed help: SEARCH TECHNIQUES (Beginners' mode and Intermediate mode)

The search boxes, where search terms are entered, are followed by the Find in boxes. Use these boxes to define search indexes. You can change their default values by selecting new values from the drop-down menu.

Searching by words is the default mode in all search boxes, but in individual boxes also searching by full phrases is possible. Phrase search is activated when quotation marks are put around the phrase.

When formulating search requests you wish to type in the search boxes, use the expand function (list of terms). Use this function in Phrase search when you want to make sure that the phrase is properly entered, and also when you want to enter different encoded and numerical search terms from the code lists (e.g. spa for Spanish).

View the terms in search indexes by entering initial letters of your search request (e.g. initial letters of author's name, title, a particular encoded information, etc.) into an empty search box and select a suitable index from the drop-down menu in the Find in box. Then click on the. .(list of terms). button, and select by clicking on the mouse button the term, which will be automatically transferred to the search box. You can enter the term in the box also manually.

If you are not sure of the initial letters you wish to enter, leave the search box empty and click on the. .(list of terms) button. You will be given only the beginning of the list you can scroll down by clicking on the list of terms button below the list.

When searching fields with encoded data (e.g. language, country of publication, UDC for searching, typology of documents, etc.), you can enter into a search box a word without quotation marks (e.g. Spanish). You can truncate single words by means of the truncation symbol '*'. If more codes match your search term, the list of codes is displayed from which you can select the proper ones.

You can combine the search terms that you entered into individual search boxes by means of Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.

Boolean operators:

OR Search results are records that contain at least one of the indicated search terms.
AND Search results are records that contain both terms or all the terms joined
with the AND operator.
NOT Search results are records that contain the first term, but do not contain the
term following the NOT operator.

Title: vino*
(OR) Title: loza*
(AND) Publication year: 199*
(NOT) Keywords: alkohol
(AND) Type of material: monografske publikacije (monographs)
(will retrieve the records for monographs in the Serbian language published between 1990 and 1999, with the title containing any of the words beginning with vino or loza; the phrase alkohol should not be contained anywhere in the record; among others will also retrieve the book with the title Kako se sade vocke i vinova loza, published in 1991).


The Advanced mode is used by more demanding users acquainted with the COBISS.SR database records structure, and mastering search techniques.




Detailed help: SEARCH TECHNIQUES (Advanced mode)
See also: Search prefixes & suffixes

When formulating search requests use the expand function (list of terms). Use this function in Phrase search when you want to make sure that the phrase is properly entered, and also when you want to enter different encoded and numerical search terms from the code lists (e.g. spa for Spanish).

View the terms in search indexes by entering initial letters of your search request (e.g. initial letters of author's name, title, a particular encoded information, etc.) after the search prefix. Then click on the. .(list of terms) button and select the term, which will be automatically transferred to the search box. You can enter the term in the box also manually.

In case the search term consists of more than one prefixes, the expand function will be activated only with the first prefix. During the automatic transfer, the selected form will be added so as to immediately follow the first search prefix, while all other prefixes and search requests entered previously will be automatically deleted.

If you are not sure of the initial letters of the search term, just enter a search prefix and an equal sign '=' and click on the. .(list of terms) button. You will be given only the beginning of the list you can scroll down by clicking on the list of terms button below the list.


All examples for search techniques are taken from the COBIB.SR union database. The same principles also apply for other databases accessible through COBISS/OPAC, with the exception of the Internet-accessible databases where other search principles may apply. Additional information on search principles (search prefixes and suffixes, search examples) in individual databases is given in the descriptions of databases (after selecting a database click the information icon.



You can enter in a search box either a word or a phrase.
In Word search you can search by keywords from the title, author's name, publisher, etc. Put between the two words any punctuation (except for a question mark) or a space.

Keywords: kis, danilo or
danilo kis
(will find records that contain the words Danilo and Kis)

In Word search no particular order is required.

Title: drzav*, srba or
srba, drzav*
(among others will also retrieve the titles Doseljavanje Srba na Balkan i prva drzava and Stvaranje zajednicke drzave Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca)

Phrase search means searching by a full phrase enclosed in quotation marks. Missing quotation marks automatically activate Word search.

Title: "srpska narodna pesma*"
(will pick up the title Srpska narodna pesma u nemackoj knjizevnosti)

You can truncate single words or phrases by means of the truncation symbol '*' either at the beginning or at the end of the search word or phrase, but not at the beginning and at the end simultaneously.

Keywords: relativ*
(will only pick up the records that contain the words beginning with relativ)
Title: "*narodne pripovetke"
(will retrieve all the titles that end with narodne pripovetke)
Author: "kis, d*"
(will retrieve the records with the surname Kis and the name beginning with the letter D, e.g. Kis, Danilo; Kis, Denes, etc.)

You may use upper or lower case characters.

Keywords: "Novi Beograd" or
"novi beograd"

Personal name searches are usually entered in an inverted order, meaning that you enter the surname first, a comma and a space, followed by forename(s). Make sure to always enter in Phrase search the name in the form Surname, Forename. As in some cases the years of birth and/or death are appended to names, end the phrase with the truncation symbol '*'.

Author: "tisma, aleksandar*"
(among others will find records with the names Tisma, Aleksandar and Tisma, Aleksandar, 1924-2003)

If you are not sure of a complete form or spelling of the name, the expand function in the Intermediate mode allows you to view the terms in the search indexes. Enter the first letters of the author's name and click on the. .(list of terms) button to get the list of names. Select a name relevant to your search by clicking on a mouse button, and the name will automatically be transferred to the search box. You can enter the name in the search box also manually.

In Phrase search always enter a phrase with the exact punctuation.

Title: "mladost, gradovi i ljubavi"
(will find the title Mladost, gradovi i ljubavi)
Title: "ENJUB 91/92"
(will find the title ENJUB 91/92)

Exceptions are the signs, such as '(', ')', '*', ':', '[', ']', '<', '>', '=', '#'. You can replace one of these signs by using a space when it is in the middle of the word, or you can simply leave it out if it is at the end or at the beginning of the word.

Title: "bakrovi ii karboksilati*"
(the '(' sign is in the middle of the word, the ')' sign at the end of the word; will pick up among others the title Bakrovi(II) karboksilati u vodenim rastvorima amonijaka)

Searching is possible either with or without diacritical marks. When searching without, enter plain letters without diacritical marks. It is important to always either use or omit the diacritical marks in the same search box.

Author: ćirić or
Keywords: karađorđević or
karadordevic but not

In Phrase search initial articles, such as "a", "the", "die", "l''', "le", "la" etc., can be omitted in titles.

Title: "arbeitswelt der technik"
(will pick up the title Die Arbeitswelt Technik)

Keyword search allows searching in the Keywords box by either words or phrases, or combined by words and phrases. Put quotation marks around phrases.

Keywords: igra*, andrić

(will retrieve the records containing the word Andrić and all the words beginning with igra, e.g. the records with the title Šah - igra miliona and the name of Dragoslav Andrić)

Keywords: "anđele", vulf
(among others will also retrieve the record for the title Pogledaj dom svoj anđele written by Thomas Wolfe)

Range search can be used in the Intermediate mode for searching the publication year(s) ranges and for numerical searching. When making a search request, enter the first (lower) value, a semicolon, and then the second (higher) value.

SELECT PY=1994:2000
(will retrieve all publications with publication years ranging from 1994 to 2000)

You may narrow your search down by language (Beginners' mode) or by material type (Beginners' mode and Intermediate mode). In the limiting boxes, change the default values by selecting a new value from the drop-down menu. You may also limit your search to electronic resources. By clicking the 'E-access' check box you will retrieve only the records that contain an URL address in subfield 856u. Limiting is not available in all databases.


All examples for search techniques are taken from the COBIB.SR union database. The same principles also apply for other databases accessible through COBISS/OPAC, with the exception of the Internet-accessible databases where other search principles may apply. Additional information on search principles (search prefixes and suffixes, search examples) in individual databases is given in the descriptions of databases (after selecting a database click the information icon.



You can search with search prefixes and suffixes. A click on the Search prefixes & suffixes, button reveals the list containing only a selection of the most useful search indexes, i.e. the very same indexes as indicated in the drop-down menu in the Intermediate mode. The Advanced mode, however, allows searching all other fields and subfields that are indexed in databases. A complete list of search prefixes and suffixes is available in the COBISS/Cataloguing Manual.

When searching by keywords, there is no need for you to put the KW prefix or suffix in your search request. In all other cases you have to include also search prefixes or suffixes.

Keyword search requires putting Boolean or proximity operators between individual search terms. If you use the KW prefix, put parentheses around the search request.

SELECT arhitektura AND crkvena or
SELECT KW=(arhitektura AND crkvena)

SELECT zbirka (W) narodnih or
SELECT KW=(zbirka (W) narodnih)


SELECT TI=molekularna genetika mišićnih distrofija

With Boolean operators you can additionally broaden or narrow your search requests.

OR Search results are records that contain at least one of the indicated search terms.
AND Search results are records that contain both terms or all the terms joined with the AND operator.
NOT Search results are records that contain the first term, but do not contain the term following the NOT operator

SELECT psi OR mačke

SELECT planinarstvo AND udžbenik

SELECT novinarstvo NOT televizij*

The sequence of logic operations:
proximity operators

Using parentheses:
You can change a sequence of individual search operations by putting parentheses to a particular place.

SELECT ((more OR reke) AND zagađ*) NOT vazduh

Using quotation marks:
When in a search term you use reserved signs '(', ')', '=' and '/' or reserved words AND, OR, NOT, put quotation marks around the search term.

SELECT TI="science and technology" AND PU="Library Association"

The proximity operators define relative proximity between search terms, and you can use them together with the KW (Keywords) search prefix and all suffixes.
Operator WITH (W) requires that both search terms should be within a given relative position to each other in the record.

SELECT genetski (W) inženjering
(will find Genetski inženjering i biotehnologija)

Operator (nW) requires that between both search terms, which are within a given position to each other, n words at the most may appear.

SELECT language (1W) culture
(will find e.g. Race, language and culture)

Operator NEAR (N) requires that both search terms should be within an optional position to each other in the record.

SELECT česlav (N) miloš
(will find Česlav Miloš and Miloš, Česlav)

Operator (nN) requires that between both search terms, which are within an optional position to each other, n words at the most may appear.

SELECT cost (1N) benefit
(will retrieve e.g. cost to benefit, benefit to cost, cost-benefit, cost/benefit)

Operator SUBFIELD (S) requires that both search terms should be within the same field/subfield of the record.

SELECT savetovanje (S) beograd
(will retrieve the records that contain the terms savetovanje and Beograd in the same subfield)

This mode is most frequently used both for searching the publication year(s) ranges and numerical searching. When making a search request, enter the first (lower) value, a semicolon, and then the second (higher) value.

SELECT PY=1994:2000
(will retrieve all publications with publication years ranging from 1994 to 2000)

You may narrow your search down by material type. In the limiting box you can change the all materials default value by selecting a new value from the drop-down menu. You may also limit your search to electronic resources. By clicking the 'E-access' check box you will retrieve only the records that contain an URL address in subfield 856u. Limiting is not available in all databases.

instruction for searching are taken from the COBISS.SR (© 1997-2003 IZUM) .

© Matica Srpska Library 2003 - 2015