I N T E R N A T I O N A L   C O O P E R A T I O N  


Initials from

Oktoih prvoglasnik
of Djurdje Crnojevic


The Matica Srpska Library has been a member of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) for many years and also of the International Federation of Documentation (FID) until it ceased to exist in 2002. The Library exchanges expert visits with the world leading libraries. Library representatives participate in international meetings in the field of librarianship and information science.

The Library exchanges the publications with over 300 institutions all over the world. It is also a depositary library for FAO and UNESCO publications.

The entries are prepared and sent to international database AGRIS.

The Library has deposits for interlibrary loan in the British Library and in SUBITO (document delivery service of research libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland).

Through Goethe Institute in Belgrade, the Library was included in two projects of Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, as well as in the Initiative People and Books (Menschen und Bücher) in 2006. This three-year project was intended for libraries in Central and Southeastern Europe and the MSL was the only library in Serbia included in this project.

I F L A - International Federation of Library Associations

From the Apostlos of Matica srpska from the 13th century

© Matica Srpska Library 2003 - 2015