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Director of the Matica Srpska Library
Selimir Radulovic
+381 021 528 910
e-mail: sradulovic@bms.ns.ac.rs
e-mail: bms@eunet.rs
SELIMIR RADULOVIĆ - Matica Srpska Library Director

Selimir Radulović (Cetinje, 1953) published eight books of poetry: Poslednji dani (The last days) (1986), San o praznini (A dream about the void) (1993), U sjenku ulazim, oče (A shadow I enter, father) (1995), О tajni rizničara svih suza (About the secret of the treasurer of all tears) (2005), Snovi svetog putnika (Dreams of the holy traveller) (2009), Pod kišom suza s Patmosa (Under a shower of tears from Patmos) (2012), O pastiru i kamenu sa sedam očiju (About a shepherd and a stone with seven eyes) (2015), and Senka osmog eona (Shadow of the eighth eon) (2016); books of selected poems: Po licu noći (Over the face of the night) (1996, 1997), Knjiga očeva (The book of fathers) (2004), Gde Bogu se nadah (Where I was hoping to find God) (2006), Izveštaj iz zemlje živih (Report from the land of the living) (2009), Svetlo iz očeve kolibe (The light from my father’s hut) (2011); books of selected and new poems: S visa sunčanog, strašnog (From a peak sunny, dreadful) (1999), Kao mirni i svetli vesnik (Like a messenger, peaceful and bright) (2008), and Pesma sa ostrva siročadi (A poem from the island of orphans) (2010), and Dah male molitve (Little prayer's breath) (2017).

His selected works (Izabrana dela, I-V) were published by two Serbian publishers Srpska književna zadruga and Pravoslavna reč.

There are two collections of works dedicated to his poetry: Pesnik nokturna (A poet of nocturne) (1995) and Svetlo iz očeve kolibe (The light from my father’s hut) (2015).

He authored five anthologies/chrestomathies, a book of literary criticism Povoj i članci (Linkers and Articles) (1987), and a book of essays Svetlo iz očeve kolibe (The light from my father’s hut) (2015).

The Čigoja publishing house published in 2017 a book of interviews with Selimir Radulović by Miloš Jevtić titled Očevo lice knjige (Father's book) within the collection Odgovori (Answers).

His books of selected poems have been published in Russian, Greek and Macedonian language.

For his literary work he received the following awards: Novembarska povelja Novog Sada (November Charter of the City of Novi Sad), Iskra kulture (Cultural Sparkle), Pečat varoši sremskokarlovačke (Stamp of the Town of Sremski Karlovci), Kočićevo pero (Kočić's Quill), the award of the Spring Fair in Banjaluka, the awards named after Teodor Pavlović, Vuk Karadžić, Miodrag Đukić, Simo Matavulj, Đura Jakšić, and Despotess Angelina Branković, then the award Povelja Morave (Morava Charter), Book of the Year Award by the Association of Writers of Vojvodina, Kondir kosovke devojke (The pitcher of the Kosovo Maiden), and Zmaj Award.

Mr. Radulović was a Secretary of the Provincial Department of Culture (1990-1992), Director of the Cultural Center of Novi Sad (1992-1997), President of the Association of Writers of Vojvodina (1997-2000), Editor-in-Chief at the Orfeus publishing house (2001-2012), and Director of Sterijino Pozorje Theater Festival (2012-2014). At present, he is Director of the Matica Srpska Library.

He is a Vice-President of the Association of Writers of Serbia, member of the Matica Srpska Board, and Chairman of the Serbian National Theatre Board. He lives in Novi Sad.


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